Demonstrating effective pathways for next level communication. A dynamic and potent experience to inspire skilful communication, deepen connections, & positively motivate teams to work together

90% of our communication happens beneath our words. We offer guided practices
that allow us to bring awareness to the 90%. We create fun & inclusive spaces for people to get to know each other, understand each other, hear each other, appreciate and acknowledge one another. With a wide breadth of experience, Lauren guides dynamic experience that encompass a variety of modern and eastern connection modalities - including movement, play, communication, team work & trust building. Expect to explore skill-ful communication in a fun, meaningful and transformative way that disrupts stagnation & leads your team to move in the direction of unity.
Employers who have implimented meditation & mindfulness programs for their employees saw an 85% decrease in absenteeism. When employees move their bodies, it only improves well-being, but employers noted a 72% improvement in time management & workload completed on days that involved movement.
People with strong connections are happier, less stressed, more engaged at work and even physically healthier. In the workplace, these links help us learn, become engaged in what we’re doing and feel loyal to our workplace. It’s not only in formal meetings that are opportunities to connect; those short interactions we used to take for granted, the way we react in the water cooler moments, play an important role in the sense of belonging.
(Importance of Connection in the Workplace | ACAP Blog, n.d.)
What We Offer
Vibe: Energising, Uplifting, Connective, Expressive, Celebratory.
Duration: 60min-90min.
Suitable to groups of 20pax+
With live music, contains a powerful element that has a strong power of deepening the connection work, encouraging more presence & creating an overall unforgettable experience.
For thousands of years, cultures across the globe have understood the medicine within music, movement & connection combined.
Give your team an experience they wont forget, as they deepen their connections with each other, their meaning & belonging within the work place and to the environment you are in.
Vibe: Contemplative, Reflective, Trust building, Grounding
Duration: 60min-90min.
Suitable to a groups under -20pax
A quieter, and more intimate experience for teams to practice deep listening, presence, & mindful communication with one another.
Lauren Cuthbert utilises her many years of expertise to provide a captivating, engaging & eye-opening experience for teams to shift stagnation, improve communication, deepen compassion & understanding for one another.

Vibe: Grounding, Relaxing, Illuminating, Rejuvinating.
Duration: 45min-90min.
Suitable to a groups of all sizes.
A relaxing, yet energising experience for teams to practice deep listening, presence, & mindful communication with themselves..
Lauren Cuthbert utilises her many years of expertise to provide a captivating, engaging & refreshing experience for teams to shift stagnation, increase mobility, release stress, improve flexibility (mentally and physically), hydrate joints, improve blood circulation, strengthen balance, and move towards better health and well-being.
We would be honoured to unify your group, workplace or team.
All packages can be tailored to our desired needs, and time frame. Additional activities, and treatments can be included for half or full day team
or wellness events.
To arrange a consultation call or book a workshop, email Lauren via the link below.