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Dianabol is run at 50 mg a day for 6 weeks with testosterone (any ester) about 500 mg per weekof ester alone and 500 mg per week of testosterone ester together with a 50:50 mix of DHEA and DHEA+dHEA on a 5 day cycle and then stopped completely.
I know several of you have asked what to do with postmenopausal female users and what to do for healthy aging menopausal women, dianabol 500. In any case, the answer is to get those users off the drugs, on to testosterone supplementation on its own, and then try to get them off of all the other drugs for health reasons, too.
The best advice I offer for aging menopausal women is to focus on taking no new medications, oxandrolone deutsch. That includes all the prescription pills, OTC, and over the counter medications that are not "safe". I think the safest way is taking DHEA supplements on their own at 1 gram per day with one glass of water, as recommended in this article. DHEA is not harmful to use when it is taken as directed (you can drink all the mineral and vitamins you want), dianabol 500. I get great results with DHEA when I mix it with testosterone or DHEA+Testosterone, mk 2866 and gw-50156 pct.
In any case, that is the best I can offer for these users and they should be taking the right thing for their own health, moobs song. This will make them feel more in control than if they had to use all these meds. If it doesn't work out well I encourage them to try other methods of "dieting" that do not involve drugs.
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